Thursday, July 2, 2009

via Hong Kong? or Tokyo?

I chose Hong Kong. Yep, my flight is booked for August 15th. Now, it is a refundable ticket because it hasn't technically been approved yet, but I think it should go through okay. I'm on the priority wait list for an upgrade to business class. Only 15,000 miles. I have like 190K and for some reason thought upgrading my flight half-way around the world would be more than 15,000 miles. But I'm not complaining...more to keep for later :). Apparently business class is currently only 50% booked - so please, no one else book a ticket so that I can get my upgrade.

My desk chair has joined the couch in departing the apartment. My picture from the last blog also raised some interest. So here's a couple more items I have in case anyone needs some bar stools or a desk w/o drawers. :)

Not much else noteworthy occurred this week. Tomorrow will be shopping for my red, white and blue apparel. Then making cupcakes to bring to the family outing on Saturday. I will try not to eat them all before hand.

Next Wednesday Mom and I begin our road trip to SC to see Katie and Tom. I'm sure that will prove to be much more exciting material and some good pictures. Stay tuned 'til then......

I hope everyone has a happy Independence Day (4th of July)!!

*Oh! if anyone wants tickets (up to 3) to view Peoria fireworks from the rooftop terrace at my apartment building (front row seats), let me know. I know, you're thinking Peoria fireworks?, but really, it is quite an impressive show for all the other things that the city may mess up.


  1. Don't give away the tickets just yet, maybe The Kid and I will have such a fun time bowling I will want to make out with him, I mean watch the fireworks in your apartment.

  2. I'm taking you to the cupcake cottage when you're here!

    We can't wait to see you!!!

