Thursday, May 23, 2013

Into Africa

So I had this post all composed and then lost it :(.  Will do my best the second time around :). 

I spent last weekend running around for last mi ute vacation items needed and trying to get packed. Here's a pic of where I ended up Saturday afternoon of all the stuff I wanted to take on my month long trek. I spent Sunday evening trying to get it all packed into that green bag (70 liters) and a small day backpack (20 liters). 

Between Sunday evening, Monday evening and early Tuesday I repacked a couple of times and finally got in about half to 2/3s of the items. Hope it's enough! ;)  Early Tuesday was a fire drill of running to the doctor to get anti malarial drugs for Kenya. Luckily mom was able to set up appointments and come with me so it all went relatively smooth and I still had some time before my 1:15pm flight that afternoon. Dad dropped me at the airport and said good-bye until June 19th!

Here's everything I took: (Unfortunately I've already left my nice sun hat on the plane when I landed in South Africa :(.  I'm hoping today I'll find it in the lost and found....fingers crossed!)

It was an hour plus flight to Dulles, about a one hour layover (enough time to grab a sandwich) and then a 7.5 hour flight stopping in Senegal to refuel (we waited on the plane) and another 8.5 hours on to Johannesburg, South Africa. I arrived about 5pm as the sun was starting to set (it's winter here), met my American friends Mary and Brian who are currently living in Singapore and had a quick dinner before an early bed time. A fairly uneventful trip, which is good :). Thursday morning we leave at 6:15am for a day safari!

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